Adult Learners
About one adult in six in the UK today struggles with reading (1 in 7 in the USA). There are many reasons why some people find it difficult to learn to read when they are children, but the good news is that it’s never too late! Given the right support, anybody can learn to read quite quickly and easily if they want to... and Yes We Can Read is the perfect tool. It is a book designed so that anyone who can read can teach someone else. It’s clearly laid out, fun to use and designed to help anyone aged from 8 to 80, but especially those with dyslexia.
“My family was always travelling around, so I never really went to school, just for a short time when I was little. They said I had to go to a different sort of school for children who couldn’t read. I just stopped going. I tried to learn to read lots of times, with all different teachers, but I never thought I would ever do it. When my coach sent me a postcard with lots of writing, I knew I had got it. I am 64 and I can read after all. Yes We Can Read is a very good book. It’s the best thing.”
“We are getting better all the time. My learner is really enjoying it and feels she is accomplishing something with every exercise. She says it is making her feel really good!”
Lesley Cullen, Coach
“We are bombing along and having a good laugh too.”
“The best thing that has happened for her and me up to now is when she came for her session last week, which was her birthday, and she told me she had read the verses in her birthday cards for the first time in her life! Comments like this make it very worthwhile.”