The From the Heart Series is inspired by Ancient Greek myths. These stories have withstood the test of time and have a power to engage people from different cultures and age groups. The stories are retold in a modern setting, each one exploring a different emotion: love, envy, fear... They will stimulate discussion and encourage students to share their own stories.
Please note the series covers some sensitive topics. For example, in Bull Man there are strong references to kidnapping, rape, murder, and gang violence. In Elvis, there are references to taking drugs, and in Echo there are references to suicide. Each book includes the original myth on which the story is based.
Titles in the series:
- Elvis
- Frank and the Fiesta
- A Busy Man
- Bull Man
- Circe
- Echo
Additional Information
- Author : Hazel Riley and Myrna Shoa
- Reading Level : 2 - Easy Beginner Reader
- Series : From the Heart
- Topic : Literacy
- Topic : Workbooks
- Publisher : Gatehouse Books
- ISBN : 9781842311806